diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2008

Name:Patricia Trujillo
Adress:Ginestola, 3
Olot 17 800 Girona
Telephone:972 271 566/ 620 558 142
Date of Birth:6 the july 1988
Marital Status:Single


word-processing. Excel. Power Point.

Fluent in Catalan
Basic in French
Fluent in Spanish


I'm currently working in Arangada (restaurant)
My job is a waitress.

workforce-, Olot NOEL,SL
(june 2007-Aug 2007)to manipulate food

workforce-, La Vall de Bianya INTEPLAST,SA
(june 2006-July 2006) I was in front of a machine the production worker.

Saleswoman of Shoes-,Olot CALÇATS SANDRA
(jan2001-jan 2003) I working during the week-end and every day in summer.


2007_2008 acces preparation for vocational training course, qualification "6"
2006_2007 finance, qualification "8"
2000_2005 secondary education, qualification "5"
2000_2005 acces preparation, qualification "7"



2008nowadays I go to a Technical Collage to study International Bussines
in IES Bosc de la Coma
2006_2007 Finance in IES Bosc de la Coma
2005_2006 Baccalaureat education in IES Montsacopa.
1999_2005 Seconday education in IES Montsacopa.
1991_1999 I studies Primary scholl in Bisaroques.


I play voleyball
Clean driving licence


Calsats Sandra Eurofimrs
Sandra Puig Silvia Coma
C. Sant Andreu 3 Vial. St.Jordi, 56
Olot 17 800 Girona Olot 17 800 Girona
tel.: 972 267 787 Tel.: 972 268 875

business studies courses

Laura Serrano
Toledo , s/n
17800 olot (Girona)
Telf: 972 263 435
Fax: 972 263 436

14th Novembre 2008

Dear Ms. Serrano,

Subject: business studies courses

Your advertisement has come to our attention. We got your address from your brochure.

We need information about their business studies courses. We would like to know more about the International Trade course. We would appreciate if you could send us information about timetable and school calendar, about enrolment fees, if grants are avaiable and accommodation in olot or means of transport to the city Olot.

We look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerelly

Patricia Trujillo Serra

dimecres, 3 de desembre del 2008


I work twice a week, during the other days I go to a Technical
College to study Internacional Business. I work when most of the
people don't work. My work is tiring because of the work I do, but
it is funny for the customers I have every week. I work from nine
to one at night, on Saturday and from one to six, in the afternoon,
on Sundays. At the end of the day, I am very tired but I feel satisfied
because I like my work and I like working with my bosses because they
are friendly and felpful.
My work consist of serving food, drinks.. to the people.


From: Corinne.peters@crysgro.com
To : Siobhan@crysgro.com
Subject: next week's meeting
Date: Friday, 17 Oct 2008 17:38


RE: Our phone conversation earlier today.
I would like to confirm the dttails of our meeting next week to discuss
the new contract: 2:30 p.m. on Thursaday, at you office.
I look forward to seeing you then.

Hope to see you soon!
